Name* First Last Email* Best phone number Skype username Website if applicable Location How you found me Google search Facebook group Instagram Twitter Linkedin Personal referral (please tell me who it was below) Referred by this wonderful person What will you be using your equipment for Podcasting Interviewing guests via internet service eg zoom skype Interviewing guest in at your home, office, studio Social media live - eg facebook live Recording audio products eg audiobooks, music recordings Other Where will you be doing the recording In an office space At home in a bedroom In a soundproofed room In a studio environment other What type of computer will you be using Apple Windows Linux Rough budget under $100 $100-500 $500-1000 $1000+ How comfortable are you with technology Don't use computers at all Can do email, facebook etc but thats my limit Pretty comfortable with computers, tend to be able to install and use software ok Computer geek, high skill level Other areas you will need help with Podcast episode editing Intro and Outro for podcast production Setting up WordPress website to run podcast from More information you need to tell meCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 59373